You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.5. INVENTORY Menu: Purchasing and Stock Control > 1.5.14. Inventory - Adjustments > Inventory - Adjustments - Stocktake > Entering the Stocktake Count > Stocktake Batch - Edit - Load From File (v2.8)
Stocktake Batch - Edit - Load from File (v2.8)

This option allows for items to be loaded into a stocktake batch via a flat file import – for example, if the stocktake data was created in another software package such as Microsoft Excel. The file must be formatted as comma or space delimited with the following fields:

Item Number, Stocktake Quantity, Bin Location (optional), Serial Number (optional), Average Cost (optional)

The item number can be any of the following:

The stocktake quantity can be defined in the following units, depending on how the item is stocked and counted:


Technical Tip

The file format for a stocktake file with serial numbers and stock units would look similar to this:














If your file includes any of the optional fields – bin location, serial number or average cost – you must include all of the previous fields. That is:

If you don't want to import an optional detail (e.g. bin locations or serial numbers), you will need to enter a dummy number in that place in each record of the file to be imported.

You must have already created a stocktake batch in Micronet containing all the items in the stocktake.


Technical Tip

To access this option, the registration code for Simple Hand Held must be turned on in your company configuration (for more information, refer to "Edit Company - Registration").

If this option is disabled even though you have access to the Simple Hand Held functions, refer instead to "Stocktake Batch - Edit - Upload Line Records (v2.8)".



Technical Tip

To load serial numbers and counts into a batch, you should have completed these steps before loading from file:

  • set the Stocktake Method field on the Create Stocktake Batch screen to Stocktake with Serial Numbers
  • selected CREATE ITEMS to load all serialised items within the range entered
  • selected ZERO SOH to zero out the stock counts for all items loaded.

To load data from an ASCII file into a stocktake batch:

  1. Display the Stocktake Batch screen for the required stocktake batch.

Refer to "Creating a New Stocktake Batch" or "Recalling a Stocktake Batch".

  1. Select EDIT | LOAD FROM FILE.

Micronet displays the Load from Ascii File screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





File Name

Enter the full directory path as well as the name of the data file containing the stocktake items. You can select the browse button (...) to find the file.


Append Quantity

Select Yes to add the stocktake quantity for each item loaded into the stocktake batch, or No to overwrite the stocktake quantity for each item.


Consolidate Serials

This field only applies if you are importing serialised items with FIFO records into the stocktake batch. Select Yes if you want count quantities for the same serial numbers to be appended to the oldest FIFO record for the serial number. Micronet then:

  • retains the oldest FIFO date for a serial number
  • appends count quantities for the same serial number to the oldest FIFO record for that serial number
  • averages costs over all the FIFO records for a serial number.

Select No if you want each count quantity for a serial number listed separately in the stocktake batch.


Is Space a Separator?

Select the delimiter used in the ASCII file. Options are:

  • Yes - the file format is space delimited
  • No - the file format is comma delimited.
  1. Select the Accept button.

Micronet scans the specified file and loads all valid items into the stocktake batch. When it has finished, it redisplays the Stocktake Batch screen.

You should now print a Stocktake Processing Report, create a variance batch if required, and then post the batch.